Add a new product

Adding and publishing a new product in Merchant Center.

In order to finalize a product for publication, it is essential to have certain components in place. This includes creating at least one category to assign the product to (read guide here) and ensuring the appropriate trademarks are included.

Place a new product

  • Go to products (PIM) > Products > and click on New

    add new product

  • Fill in the different fields to enrich the product with information. (See descriptions of the different fields in separate article here)
  • In the box Publication requirements you can get help and see what information needs to be on place for the product to be placed on sale in the store. 

    publication requierments

    When you have filled the product with the information you want it to have and feel satisfied and want to publish the product, you click on active and press Save

    The product will become visible in the store in a moment.

    publish product

Further information and functions 

Beyond the field above that's mandatory are a few other parts you can work with to enrich your product. Some of the most common are compiled below which we intend to create separate articles for.

Categories - In Product Categories you can place the product in the categories you want. Read more about categories here

Product parameter - parameters make it possible to enrich products and specify information for those with values that can be used for many different parts like product specifications and filtering options. On the product view you fill in the values that the different parameters products shall have, more about product parameters here. 

Feeds - Shall the product be included in any of the feeds that are configured, it needs to be crossed in on the product view. 

Publishing date - If you want the product to be published live at a specific date then you can place a publishing date. Read more about placing publishing dates here.

Product variants - If the product exists in more variants like color, then you can connect these variants together.

Related products - You can even connect different products together via product relations. if you for example want relevant accessories to be connected to the product on the product page in your store. Read more about related products here.