Description of fields on product view

Description of the different parts and fields in the product view in Merchant Center.


Name * Name of the product. Is used throughout the store and becomes a part of the products URL 
Article Number (SKU) The products article number
External Id This field makes it possible to have more Ids on the product. Is usually added by integration, ERP connection as an example
Brand/Manufacturer * The products brand
Supplier  The supplier (can be left empty)
Intrastat Code Field for Intrastat Code with built in autocomplete which shows description for current code. This is for when you sell abroad. For the EU the code is only for intrastat reporting and you are required to do it first after a certain amount. For selling to Norway/Switzerland the number is needed for costumes. 
Weight The products weight
Width The products width 
Height The products height
Length The products length 
Country of Origin The products country of origin 
Price The products ordinary price 
Discount price The products discount price, if filled is used in the store above price 
Purchase Price (SEK) The purchase price recalculated in SEK 
Purchase price

The products purchase price (in current currency)

Purchase currency

The currency on the purchase price. If preferred currency is missing, it can be added to currency's under setting > Currencies in the left menu

Max discount (%) The max discount % you want the product to be sold for. If filled a waring will be shown by created campaigns if the discount goes higher then the max discount in the max discount field. 
VAT rate

The products VAT rate. Only for the main market which is Sweden as default. VAT's for foreign sites is taken from configured VAT's on channel. 

Freight class Can be used for bulky or for products that always have free shipping as an example. Every freight class can have a different type and is calculated on the whole order outside of all the ordered goods in the checkout (requires configuration) 
Text 1 Text field for product text. Is usually used as text under specification. But to where/how/if it's shown in the store is controlled by the stores design and how it's built up. 
Text 2 Is usually used as short descriptive summary of the product. But at where/how/if it's shown in the store is controlled by the stores design and how it's built. 
Text 3 Text field for product text. Is usually used as the products primary description text. But at where/how/if it's shown in the store is controlled by the stores design and how it's built. 

* = Requirements for a product to be published live in the store 

Product list 

Product list contains the products items. Either a row if the character is without sizes (like a water bottle or a book) or more rows containing sizes if they exist (S,M,L etc)


Name of the size, as an example (S, M, L) are shown in the store in filtering and in size choice on the product page. 

In stock

Stock status on item level

In stock - Current stock balance 

Oversellable - If you want to sell a product that isn't in stock. For an example the product isn't in stock but you want to sell it anyway in your shop with a longer delivery time.

Static Stock- Static stock balance on products that aren't in stock. For an example you sell cakes and you know that you can always produce 10 cakes so you set static stock to 10. 

Shelf Shelf location on the product in the warehouse. 
Weight (g) The products weight. Weight is primarily taken from this field, if it's missing then it takes weight from the field above for the product. 

The amount that are in current orders. The amount that are sold beyond available stock balance are shown in parentheses (oversold). Oversold is only available if you are working with oversellable  

Art Nr Article number for current item 
EAN EAN code for product item 
incoming Date for the products expected delivery. Is automatically filled in when the product is in purchase orders that are created in Merchant Center. Can also be filled in manually. 

Other boxes 

Below is a overview with short descriptions for other boxes that aren't in the product view where the majority of parts have extended information in separate articles.  

Images Product pictures, upload one or more pictures at the same time. Use drag%drop to order your pictures that will be later visible on the product page in the store. Main image is the one that's also shown in the product listings. 

Status on the product 

Active = published in the shop if existing publication requirements are met 

Inactive = Inactive product, not available for sale in store.  


Feed boxes contain feeds that are configured. Here you click in what feeds you want the product to include 

On sale – If clicked in, a discount price will be sent if set
Active – Click in if you want the product to be included in the active feed 

Fetch – Downloads active feed file

Updates every hour

Parameters Contains the parameter groups that are created. Here you enrich the product with information and values 
Markets What market the product shall be sold on. If you have a .se and .com site as an example. 
Product categories

Here you click in which or what categories the product shall be found in. In the drop down highest up in the box you can chose what of chosen categories shall be set as main category.  

Meta data Makes it possible to set specific meta date for a product that exceeds the base regulations that exist for meta data.  
Information Information box where administrators can write in relevant information. Even includes automatic updates from the system, like when the product is imported.