If your uploaded images appear blurry or low-quality, this may be due to a delay in image scaling or the size of the original image.
There are diffrent possible reasons for lower image quality, below are a few examples:
Original Image Size:
If your original image is small (in pixels), it may be scaled up to fit the content, which can reduce quality. To avoid this, we recommend using larger original images.
For more details, refer to the related Help Center article: Working with images and image upload - Implementation:
How the image is implemented in your storefront can effect it´s quality. - Image Scaling:
When you upload an image, it first undergoes a quick, lower-quality scaling, followed by a high-quality scaling that improves image resolution. If the high-quality scaling takes longer, the lower-quality version may be displayed temporarily until the process completes.
In some cases, you may need to do a hard reload of the page if the lower-quality image is still being displayed