Variations for Products

Variations play a crucial role in tailoring products to specific preferences such as colors, lengths, weights, and sizes. Additionally, they can be utilized to accommodate differing price points based on size or product configuration. To initiate the process, locate the "Variations" tab option and click on it. This step allows you to define and incorporate various attributes that set your products apart. Multiple attributes can be established simultaneously by adding them one by one.

Upon saving your variations, you will enter a view where you can assign distinct values based on your selections. For instance, if you opt for a color variation, you can easily input the appropriate hexcode (e.g., #000000) to precisely match the desired color to your product. Subsequently, if you wish to include a similar product but in a different color, follow these steps:

  • Utilize the search function to find the product either by its name or ID number.
  • Once located, select the product that aligns with your search.
  • Incorporate this chosen product into the variation by clicking the plus sign.


  •  You have the flexibility to repeat this process and include as many products as needed.
  •  Remember to apply the hexcode input to the new product to maintain color consistency.



Incorporating variations effectively enhances your product offerings, allowing customers to personalize their selections while maintaining a consistent and appealing aesthetic.

Group Settings and Collapsed Variations:

Towards the right side of your screen, you'll encounter a section labeled "Group Settings." Within this section, you'll notice a box that displays the various selected variation values. Directly below, there is another box labeled "Collapsed." This term signifies that when you activate this option, all the chosen products will be consolidated into a single entity on the product list page. It's important to note that despite this consolidation, all the variations will remain accessible on the individual product page.



To elaborate further, let's delve into the concept:

  • Activation of Collapsed Box: When you check the "Collapsed" box, all the products associated with the selected variations will be grouped together as one entry on the product list page. This is especially useful when you want to streamline the list and showcase the main product representation.

  • Choosing the Main Product: Within the collapsed group, you have the authority to designate a primary product. This primary product will be prominently displayed on the product list page, serving as a focal point for potential customers. It's your decision to select the most suitable product from the group.

  • Leaving the Box Unticked: Conversely, if you choose not to activate the "Collapsed" box, all variations will be individually visible on the product list page. This provides customers with a comprehensive view of the available options right from the list, without the need to access individual product pages.

If you wish to add more variations you'll need to set these up the first time you start building variants and more variations can't be added once you started. How many variantions may vary depending on initial setup.