Variant groups allow you to group products with different options (e.g., material, color). Follow these steps to create and manage a variant group:
Steps to Create a Variant Group
Go to the Product:
- Open the product you want to create a variant group for.
- Click on the Variants tab and select Create Variant Group.
Choose Dimensions:
- Select the dimensions you desire (e.g., size, material) for the group from the dropdown and click Add.
- Note: Add all desired dimensions at this step. Adding dimensions to an existing group is not possible—you would need to remove the products and create a new group.
Add Products and Values:
- Click Create to set up the group. The current product will be added automatically.
- Add additional products by searching for their name or ID in the Add Product field.
- Assign values for the selected dimensions to each product.
Save the Group:
- Click Save to finalize the group.
- Click Save to finalize the group.
Example of a variants group in Merchant Center
Group Settings
Under Group Settings, you’ll find options for Group Key and Collapsed State.
Group Key:
- A unique identifier for the group (e.g., text or numbers). Products with the same key will belong to the same variant group.
- A product can only belong to one group. Adding a different key via import will remove the product from its current group.
Collapsed State:
- If enabled, only the Main Product will appear in product lists and search results. Other products in the group will not be displayed.