Update inventory stock

Update the inventory balance on products in a batch

With the import tool you can smoothly update the inventory balance on products in a batch. You do this through the product import and the colums you need to map are: IdNameSizeStock.

Even if you are working with oversellable or static stock and want to update the inventory balance, then it's the colums OversellableStock and StaticStock you fill in. 


Explanation of current fields

Id The products Id in the system
Name  Name of the product. Can be left empty if it has Id.

Name of the size/model (the field name in the product list inside the product view, see picture below). 

A new size/model is created if the value in the Size field isn't previously available. 

It's good to think about spelling exactly name of the the size/model. For an example if you have One size, then write in the same way. If you write one size in the import file then a new size/model is created where it's separated by a big and respect small O.

Stock The amount you want to update the inventory balance to.
OversellableStock The amount you want to update your oversallebale inventory. 
StaticStock The amount you want to update your static inventory to. 




Example on import file based on the product import template with correctly filed in fields: 




When your file is done

  • Click on Import Tool in the menu. Click then on New to make a new import. 
  • Choose the file you want to import 
  • Choose file type in the File extension drop down
  • Choose Template type: Product 
  • Choose Import mode: Insert/update
  • Click on Next 
  • Ensure that the colums that are named in the article are mapped against the systems colums. 
  • Click on Start import 

When the import is done and every row is imported then the products inventory balance will be updated. You can see it through going into the product and se the amount in stock the In Stock colum in the Product list box that corresponds to what you have imported.