Show products from a campaign in a product list widget

If you have campaigns (cart-based or price-campaign) created then you can in CMS smoothly highlight a campaign on our start-page, a stand-alone page or a content-area on a product list or product page. 

To show campaign products in your content, do the following: 

  • In the CMS you go to the page you want to add a content block with campaign products, for example the start page. Start pages are under Content (CMS) > Start page in the menu
  • Add a new 1 colum block by dragging in a block from the Library square and then drop it in it's wished position on the page. 


  • Name the block and set the settings you want the block to have. 
  • Click on Click to select new widget and choose the Product list widget. 


  • Here you can now choose to draw out products from a specific campaign by choosing the campaign you want to show products from, in the drop-down Campaign. 
    You can also manually choose products, you do this under the tab Manually 


  • When you have chosen the products, filled in the heading (optional) and set the settings you want, you click on save

  • If you after want to publish the start-page with the new product listings, then you click on Save and Publish