Sometimes you may need to take away a specific order from a delivery. Reasons to take away an order out of a delivery could be for an example that the costumer regret their choice. After the report function is used you can go into the order and tick in "Lock permanently" and save. The order will then be cancelled
Another case where you can use the report function is by inventory variances. In these cases after the report function is used, go into the order, unlock it and make the needed changes. The order can then be delivered out again.
Remove a individual order from a delivery
If you need to take away an order from a delivery then you do it by clicking on the button report on the current orders row.
You can take an order away by clicking on either Report order as suspect or the button Report on current product.
Both buttons take away the entire order from the delivery but give different messages to clarify.
Report - If you click on Report on a product then the entire order is taken away and you get the information Item missing under Discrepancies.
Report as suspect - Order is taken away and you get the message Reported as suspect under Discrepancies. So you can take it for further investigation.
If you order reports and take away from the delivery, it will lock automatically and land under Pending - Locked.