Product stock options

How adding stock count to a product. And description of available stock options.

When managing products for sale, it's important to choose the appropriate stock option based on your inventory situation. There are three main stock options available, each serving a specific purpose in ensuring accurate representation and efficient sales processes.



In Stock: The "In Stock" option is the most commonly used stock status. This is chosen when you physically possess the product in your inventory. By inputting the quantity of available products, the system will display the item as "in stock" on the product page. This helps potential customers know that the product is readily available for purchase and immediate delivery.

Oversellable: The "Oversellable" option is employed when you want to offer a product for sale even if it's not currently in stock. Despite the absence of physical inventory, the product will still be listed as "in stock" on the product page. Customers can make purchases, but there's an important distinction: the delivery time will automatically adjust to the timeframe you've established for oversellable items. For instance, if your usual delivery time is 1-3 days, the delivery time for oversellable items might be extended to 5-10 days. This transparent approach ensures customers are aware of the potential wait before placing an order.

Static Stock: The "Static Stock" option is specifically designed for products that are produced upon demand and are always available for purchase. To indicate this status, simply enter the number "1" in the designated field. This action signals to the system that the product is consistently available, and it will be displayed as "in stock" on the product page. This option is particularly useful for items that are created upon order, ensuring customers are aware of their immediate availability.

Choosing the right stock option is essential for accurate product representation and customer satisfaction. By utilizing the "In Stock," "Oversellable," or "Static Stock" options appropriately, you can effectively manage your inventory and meet customer expectations. Whether products are physically on hand, available for oversell with adjusted delivery times, or produced on demand, these stock options provide a clear framework for presenting your products to potential buyers.