Import template for related products

To create relations between products, ensure you have existing relation types configured.

  1. Go to the Import Tool in the menu and click New.
  2. In the Template Type dropdown, select RelatedProducts.
  3. Click Download File Template to get the import template.

Use the template to add relations and upload your file to apply the changes.

import - related

Below follows a description of existing colums. 
(There's also a short description in Merchant Center under View template description) 

ProductId Id of the product.
ProductName Name of the product. Name is used to find first matching product Id if Id is not specified (use ID for performance)
Type Name of the relation type. Must match the name of an existing relation type.
Realted1 Product Id of the product to relate
Related2 Product Id of the product to relate
Related3 Product Id of the product to relate
Related4 Product Id of the product to relate
Related5 Product Id of the product to relate
Related6 Product Id of the product to relate

Additional relations. Comma separated values, Id's of related products. No quantity limit.

Can also be used solely, instead of related colums Related1-6 above,