Import products

To download the import template for products, navigate to the Import tool in the menu. Click on "New" and then select "Product" from the Template type drop-down.

To download the import template for products, navigate to the Import tool in the menu. Click on "New" and then select "Product" from the Template type drop-down. Finally, click on "Download file template".


Below follows a description of existing columns.
(There's also a short description in Merchant Center under View template description) 

Id The products Id. The Id that the product has in Merchant Center. 
Name The products name. Can be left empty if the Id is there but needs to filed in, if the column Id is empty. 
Article number Article number, applies to the field Article Number (SKU) in on the product view. 
Price The products price (in the default currency if value in Currency colum is missing) 
SalePrice The products sale price (in the default currency if value in Currency colum is missing) 
Currency The currency of the price you want to add/update in the Price or SalePrice colum
InPrice The products purchase price
InPriceCurrency Currency for purchase price (shortening will be written in), SEK is set if left empty
Text1 Product text, field Text 1 in on the product view where the text is used in the store can be different depending in the stores design and how it's built up 
(earlier tech text) 
Text 2

Product text, field Text 2 in on the product view where the text is used in the store can be different depending in the stores design and how it's built up 
(earlier short text) 

Text 3

Product text, field Text 1 in on the product view where the text is used in the store can be different depending in the stores design and how it's built up 
(earlier long text) 

Brand The products brand. The brand must be laid out in Merchant Center. 

Main category. The main category is what the products URL will be based on as breadcrumbs on the product page in the store that will be built with. A product must have one main category to be visible in the shop.  

AdditionalCategory1 Additional category. Makes it possible to add products in more categories. Does not need to be a under category to the main category. 
AdditionalCategory2 Additional category. Makes it possible to add products in more categories. Does not need to be a under category to the main category.
AdditionalCategory3 Additional category. Makes it possible to add products in more categories. Does not need to be a under category to the main category.
MetaTitle Meta title for the product 
MetaDescription Meta description for the product 
MetaKeywords Meta keywords for the product 
Active Set if the product is active or not. Give the value TRUE for active, False for inactive. If left empty to product will be set as active. 
ExternalId External Id. Applies to the field external id in on the product view. It's good to think about this because it's an additional identifier at  matching of names. Then both name + External Id must be unique 
Markets Id's for the markets the product shall be sold in. Write in as a comma separated list (1,2,3,4 and so on). If left empty then the products is set as available on market Id 1 as default. 
Weight The products weight 
Height The products height 
Width The products width 
Length The products length 
Size Product name (size/model) on a product item. A new article will be created if the name is not found or if the product is new. A standard name will be used if it's left unspecified 
OldSize Product articles (Size/model) old name. If this is provided then the product articles matching this name will have they're name changed to the value in the column Size.  
Stock Inventory balance. Requires that the field Size, Name and Id are filled in. 
OversellableStock Oversellable inventory balance. Requires that the field Size, Name and Id are filled in. 
StaticStock Static inventory balance. Requires that the field Size, Name and Id are filled in. 
StockThreshold The number of which 
SizeExternalId External Id on size/model level. Requires that the field Size, Name and Id are filled in. 
SizeArticleNumber Art nr on size/model. Requires that the field Size, Name and Id are filled in  
Shelf Shelf place. Requires that the field Size, Name and Id are filled in  
GroupName For product relations, name on the relation type that the product shall belong to. 
GroupKey Identifier for a product relations-group (any number). Products with the same number in the import will become related products.  
GS1EANNumber GS1-number(EAN-number) on the size/model level. Requires that the fields Size, Name and Id are filled in. 
ItemWeight Weight on size/model level. Requires that the fields Size, Name and Id are filled in. 
ItemHeight Height on size/model level. Requires that the fields Size, Name and Id are filled in. 
ItemWidth Width on size/model level. Requires that the fields Size, Name and Id are filled in. 
ItemLength length on size/model level. Requires that the fields Size, Name and Id are filled in. 
MaxPercent Number for the max percentage discount a product should have set (70% for example). Applies to the field Max Discount (%) in on the product view. 
Supplier Name of the supplier 

Language Id, is used for translations. Id for the language fills in if you want to add translations on the different fields like text1, text2 and text3. Leave empty for default language. 

IntrastatCode Intrastat Code 
CountryOfOrigin The products country of origin. Either country name or country code.
ProductClassificationId Id for the classification the product shall belong to. 
ProductGuideIds Id for the product guides the product shall belong to. (Comma separated list 1,2,3,4 and so on) 


When you have filled in the fields of information which you wish the product to include in the import next choose Import mode.


  • Insert/Update: Creates or updates existing products matching either id or name.
  • Insert/Create new: Creates new products where id does not exist, regardless of name. Never updates existing products.
  • Insert/Ignore existing: Creates new products where neither id or name exists. Never updates.

When you have chosen your Import mode press Next.

Once you clicked Next you are able to match the columns to each post. In this example the column Storlek (Size) needs to be draged and matched to the Size column. If the columns in your import file is the same as the system template it will be automatically placed correctly.




When your import is finished you'll get a summary. If all products was imported correctly it will say either Inserted or Updated. If something went wrong it will say how many product which were Ignored or Failed.




General guideline: When importing a large number of products, it is always recommended to start with one product to ensure that all the information is correctly aligned. This will help ensure that everything is in the right place during the import process.