Import parameters

Via the import tool you can apply parameters and parameter values to products. This requires that you have created parameter groups and their parameters before. Read more about how to create parameters here.

You download the import template by going into the Import Tool in the menu and clicking on New and then in the Template type drop down, choosing Product Parameters and clicking on download file template.



Below follows a description of existing colums. 
(There's also a short description in Merchant Center under View template description) 

ProductId Id for the product that the parameters shall import to.
ProductName The products name. Mandatory if the Id is not filled in. Can be left empty is there is an Id. 
ParameterGroup Name of the parameter group. That which is set in the field Group Name in on the parameter group. 
ParameterName Name of the parameter. Field name on a parameter 

The value you want a product to have on it's parameter. Needs to match a existing value if it's a type picker or multi picker. 

If the value includes a number with decimails, the decimals needs to be separate with a . (point) to work correctly. E.g 2.2 (not 2,2)

Once you clicked Next you are able to match the columns to each post. In this example the column Namn needs to be draged to name.


When your import is finished you'll get a summary. If all products was imported correctly it will say either Inserted or Updated. If something went wrong it will say how many product which were Ignored or Failed.


When you have matched all the columns then press Start import, your products will than be enriched with parameters. Repeat the process to add the next parameter.

RULE of thumb: If you are importing a lot of parameters to products in one go ALWAYS start with one products to see that everything falls in the right places.