Edit order rows

When it comes to editing an order, it's important to understand that the process varies depending on the stage of the order and the chosen payment methods. Different payment methods have different limitations and considerations for updates. Here are a few important points to keep in mind:

Payment Method Limitations: Certain payment methods may not allow for automatic updates after the initial order submission. This means that any changes or modifications to the order, such as updating payment details, may not be possible once the order is placed. It's crucial to be aware of these limitations to avoid potential issues.

Value Modification: In some cases: certain payment methods may not permit an increase in the order value after it has been submitted. This means that if you need to add additional items or increase the total amount of the order, you may need to explore alternative solutions or contact customer support for assistance.

Reduction in Order Total: If the order total is reduced during the editing process, any excess amount will typically be added to the customer's balance. This allows for better handling of refunds or adjustments in future transactions. It's worth noting that this adjustment is usually made automatically, but it's essential to double-check the customer's balance to ensure accuracy.

Manual Refunds: If you intend to issue a refund for the order, it's important to manually correct any necessary changes during the editing process. Make sure to review all modifications and adjustments required for the refund before saving the changes to the order.

Edit order

  • Start by either searching for the Order Id in the search bar or by going to the Orders under Warehouse (WMS).

  • Next you need to click on the Edit order rows tab.


  • In the bottom of the screen you will see the items in the order you are about to edit. If you want to add a product to the order click on Add product.


  • Search the product you want to add either by it's internal product ID or by it's name, press the plus to add items to order.



Remember, when editing an order, it's recommended to make all the necessary changes in one go. This means carefully reviewing and updating all relevant details before saving the changes. Taking a comprehensive approach ensures accuracy and prevents any missed adjustments that could cause complications later on.