Discrepancies during a delivery

On a delivery an order may sometimes not be carried out because of different reasons. You can see these in the box Discrepancies in the delivery view (Fulfillment status). Below we have made a summary with different Discrepancies you may encounter on a delivery and what they mean and how you should handle them. 


Reported as suspect

Description: The order is manually removed by the administrator for further investigation. 
Item Missing

Description: The order is manually removed when one or more products where out of stock. 

Unable to create shipment: Unable to generate PDF.

Description: An error occurred with the creation of PDF-file. Contact technical support. 

Unable to create shipment: Connection error, please try again.

Description: Temporary problem with connection to nShift. Lock up the order and try again. Invalid post number.
Unable to create shipment: Postal code XXX is out of range.
Code: Postal code 'XX' is out of rangeZIP code doesnt exist.
Field: Zipcode

Code: ZipCodeNotExists

Description: Invalid post number. Go into the order, correct, lock up and try to deliver out again. 
Unable to create shipment: Value changed.
Field: StatNo in shipment > customsDeclaration > 
line > statNo.
Code: Changed
Illegal value. Field: SourceCountry in shipment > customsDeclaration > line > sourceCountryCode

Description: Invalid intrastat number. Control that the number is correct on all products that are in the order
Unable to create shipment: Mandatory value missing.
Field: StatNo in shipment > customsDeclaration > line > statNo

Description: Intrastat number is missing on one product that's in the order 
Unable to create shipment: Checking for valid destination failed. UPS validation service did not respond.
Field: Id
Code: UPSWebServiceFailed

Description: Temporary error at UPS. Try again at a later date by opening the order and starting a new delivery. 

Unable to create shipment: Error in agent code
Code: ErrorInAgentReceiverNumber Error in agent code.
Field: AgentTo
Code: ErrorInAgentReceiverNumber Invalid country code in the service point.
Code: ErrorInAgentReceiverCountryCode

Description: Disruptions/error at specific carrier, contact Nshift or carrier for more information

Unable to create shipment: Error in agent code.
Field: AgentTo
Code: ErrorInAgentReceiverNumber Invalid agent.
Field: AgentNo
Code: InvalidAgentReceiver"

Description: The delivery point is no longer valid. Here you can try to change the shipping method and then switch back. This will reset the delivery point to the default that exist for the postal code.