Create campaign pages

Products that are in one or more campaigns are shown in the store normally in the categories they are in. Depending on which type of campaign, the products can be distinguished in different ways (like badges, shows with discount prices etc.) 

If you want to also collect and show the campaign and it's products on a campaign page then there are two good ways to do it. 

  • Landing page directly on campaign - A landing page is a page you create directly on a current campaign. The view lists products included in the campaign and have the same base function as a category listing page which includes the possibility for filtering, sorting and pagination in product listing.  

  • Stand-alone page (Page) in the CMS - A stand-alone page is a page where you have large flexibility to work with the content and create a living campaign page with different types of content to highlight the campaign. The products can be shown and listed in many different ways with the Product list widget. 

Landing page directly on campaign

In on the campaign you click on Create landing page for selected products under the selected products list.


Here you put in the pages title which will be what creates the URL to the page. You are also able to write in a descriptive text. 


There's also the possibility to put in specific meta data for the page (if nothing is given your stores default metadata will be used). 

Click in Add customized metadata (Recommended). There you can write in texts for the title, keywords and description. 

The landing page can be reached in the store via the URL that's created when the campaign is saved and set as active. 

If you want to take away the landing page but keep the campaign then you can do it by crossing out the checkbox Create landing page for selected products and save the campaign again. 

Stand-alone page (Page) in the CMS

Under pages in the CMS you create stand-alone content pages like info pages or campaign pages. To create a new page in the CMS go to Content (CMS) > Pages and click on Create new stand-alone collection.

A page is always in draft status when you create it, so you can work with the contents without it being public and then you can publish it when you feel done, either directly or via time management. 

To create your page you fill in the fields that are present and then start to build up the content. 

  • Name - The field name is only internal (is shown in listings in Merchant Center). 
  • Title - The title you give in this field becomes the pages URL. If you write in autumnoffer3for2 then the link for the page becomes 
  • Collection content - Here you put in the content you want the page to have. There you have large flexibility to create your campaign page with the different widgets. More information about how you work with the CMS and the different widgets can be found here.

To show the products that are included in the campaign, you use the Product list widget and there you have the possibility to set in so that all the products are retrieved by the setting 

Show as: Rows

Limit number of rows: No

With these settings products in the campaign will be retrieved and in listings, a Load more button will be shown if the campaign includes many products. 

From which campaign the products will be retrieved from can be chosen from the drop down Campaign. The other campaigns that are created and active are shown. 



Publishing of campaign page 

If you want to publish directly you click on Save and Publish. If you want to prepare a publishing of an campaign page with time management then you put in it under Publish settings.


There you put in the page as Active and choose which date and time you want the page to be published under Schedule publish. You can even put in a end date when the page will be taken down. 



When you have put in a date and time, the time will be shown as above. You also see that the page isn't published live by the visibility icon being grayed out and crossed out. 

When you are done with the publishing settings, click on the button Save and Publish