Create a Product price campaign (price campaign)

This article describes how to create a product price campaign

A Product price campaign is a campaign where the price on the products included in the campaign get a reduced price that's shown directly in the store as a sale price. 


In Merchant Center go into: Products (PIM) > Campaigns > Create Campaign


Step 1  - Settings


In the field Campaign title you give the campaign a name. This will only be used internally and shown in campaign listings in Merchant Center. 

Discount percentage - here you fill in the discount percentage you want the campaign to have. 

Apply discount percentage to - here you choose if you want the discount to be drawn from the products ordinary price or sale price if there's one set. 

Step 2  - Product selection

Under product selection you set which parts of the assortment that shall be included in the campaign.

To make a selection:

  • Click on Browse under include selection.kampanj_brows-2
  • Here are there a number of different selection possibility's you can choose and combine from the different selections

    • Category - choose to include assortment in one ore more whole categories 
    • Brand - choose to include assortment in one or more brands 
    • Product - choose products manually in the list. Click in the check-boxes on the product you want with. 
    • Product price - Choose different parts of a assortment based on prices. For example include all products costing over 500kr. Here it's even possible to have more conditions combined. 
      Skärmavbild 2024-01-16 kl. 15.36.34
    • Import - an article import e.g if you are working with an excel file and prepared an assortment selection. Here there are a number of file choices you can make. 
      ID type = Here you choose if it's the products Id number (product Id in Merchant Center) or article number (field Article number on a product) that the files reads in to identify products in the file. 
      ID column number = Which column id or article number is in. 
      File includes discount column = Discount prices/percentages will be imported from the column/columns specified. When using percentages and multiple currencies, you can specify the same column for each currency.
      File includes header row =  Your import file has a header row, and import will start at row 2
      Append products to existing selection = This will append your imported products to the current selection. By default your import will replace the full selection

This article import is for reading in products in a assortment. If you want to create new products via import, you can do it in our import tool. 

  • When you have made your selection, click on Save selectionYou can easily go in again and change/update your selection when you want to. 



If you don't make a specific selection, then the campaign will apply to all products. 


Editing of price on individual row 

You can even in the campaign go into individual products and set specific percentages or specific campaign prices. You do this smoothly in the list with product selection in the columns
Discount(%) or Campaign price.



Exclude products 

There is even the possibility to work with excluding specific parts of a product selection you have made in a campaign. For example, if you want a campaign on all jackets but don't want it to apply to jackets from brand X and Y then you can easily set it so. 

You do it by clicking in Exclude products from selection and there you choose which products you want to exclude from the campaign (the same way you include products). 


Create landing page for the campaigns product selection

If you make specific product selection and want a page with the campaigns products gathered with a specific URL, then there's the option to create a landing page for the campaign. 

Then you click in Create landing page for selected products that's under the selected products list. 


Here you give the pages title which will be what creates the URL for the page. You also have the option to write a descriptive text that will be shown under heading in the store. 



There's also the possibility to add specific meta data for the page (if nothing is given your stores default meta will be used).  

Click in Add customized metadata (Recommended). There's also the possibility to write in texts for the title, keywords and description. 

Step 3 - Date & time


In the last step you set in when the campaign shall be active. Here you can time manage to prepare your campaign in good time before it goes live. You do this by setting a date and time on the day you want the campaign to go live in the store. 

If you want to you can put in a end date and time. You click on Set end date & time and choose the date and time you want the campaign to end. 


When you feel done you click on Save Campaign. If you have set the campaign to go live directly then it will become active in a couple of minutes in the store (max 5 minutes)