Cancel a order

If you want to cancel an order then you go into current order and click in the checkbox Lock Permanently and then on Save. 

When you are going to cancel an order the inventory balance is restored on the products the order contained. If you don't want this to happen, for an example if something had a defect or if something is missing on the storage shelf, then you click in the box Do Not Restore Stock Counts before you click on Save. 




You can not recall a permanent locking. The order is left in the system but is canceled and locked permanently.

Cancel an order which delivery has started 

If you have started a delivery of an order you can not lock it permanently directly on the order view, you see it through the text Save unavailable while order is processed. 

You need to first cancel the delivery of the order to be able lock it permanently and save. You do this through the following way 

  • Go to the current delivery where the order is. You can do it smoothly from the order view on the current order, by clicking on the Parcel group number in Fulfillment history box.

  • Find the current order in the delivery and click on Report and then on Report order as suspect (takes away order from current delivery for further investigation/action ). 
  • The orders delivery is interrupted and inside the order view you can now cancel the order by clicking in the checkbox Lock Permanently and then on Save.

Mail to customer 

If you want to inform a customer that their order is cancel you can do it sending a mail directly from the order view. You do it through the button Order Removed that shows up when you have permanent locked an order. 

If you click on the button you will see how the mail that's sent out looks. From the view you click then on Send mail, so the mail is sent to the Email address that the order is placed on. 

