1. Geins Knowledge base
  2. Campaigns
  3. Multi-currency campaign types

Multilingual and Multi-Currency Support

If your webshop supports multiple languages and currencies, you can effortlessly configure campaigns for all your currencies within the same campaign creation view.

It is now possible to setup a multi-currency campaigns within Geins Campaign feature with in the native PIM.Skärmavbild 2024-01-15 kl. 14.09.21Currency and Language Feature

In the top-right corner, there is a language and currency toggle which allows you to select the languages and currencies supported by your webshop. You can easily switch to the desired language for creating a campaign or simply name the campaign title in the native language using the dropdown menu next to the campaign title field. By naming the campaign in multiple languages, you can ensure that it is visible in each market with the correct language. The currency toggle gives you the summary of your ongoing campaign in the selected currency.

Localized text fields and amount display

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If your webshop supports multiple currencies, you have the flexibility to customize the prices for different currencies in the right column. For instance, customers can buy 3 socks and pay 10 SEK, 1 EUR, 10 NOK, or 10 DKK, depending on their preferred currency. You can leave boxes blank if the campaign isn't applied for a specific market and currency.


Import feature products to the campaign in several currencies

It is possible to import products into the campaign in multiple currencies from the same .csv or .xlsx file. Simply specify the column where the discount price in percentage in the correct currency is located in the text boxes for each currency. This streamlined process simplifies creating campaigns across various markets.

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Create landing page for the campaigns with market specific URLs

If you would like to create a landing page that showcases the products included in your campaign and provide a specific URL for it, you can easily do so. This is particularly useful if you have multiple markets, as you can create a unique URL for each market within the same view.

Here you give the pages title, which will be what forms the URL for the page. You also have the option to write in a descriptive text that will be shown under the headline in the store. To change between markets to give it an unique URL simple click on the flags in the dropdown menu to the left of the title box. If you don't write a title on any other languages a landing page won't be created for that specific market.

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When you have customized your landing page settings you can find the campaigns different URL's under the Campaign Summary.

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