Block templates

In the Geins Content Management System (CMS), a range of block templates is available to facilitate content creation. These block templates are designed with set layouts and each has different functional purposes. The block templates are as follows:

  • One Column Block: This template occupies the entire width of the screen and accommodates a single widget function, allowing for a focused and impactful content display.

  • Two Column Block: Designed to occupy half of the screen's width, the two column block template enables the use of two widget functions side by side. This layout provides a balanced presentation and increased versatility in content arrangement.

  • Three Column Block: Utilizing one-third of the screen's width, the three column block template can incorporate up to three widget functions. This layout is ideal for showcasing multiple pieces of content or functionalities within a compact space.

  • Four Column Block: Occupying one-fourth of the screen's width, the four column block template supports four widgets in one row. This arrangement is particularly suitable for content that benefits from a grid-style layout and allows for efficient utilisation of screen real estate.