Add a content page (Stand-Alone collection)

You are able to create stand-alone pages in Geins Content (CMS), this stand-alone pages could be everything informative pages to build content around a specific campaign.

Start by going to Content (CMS)>Pages.


You'll see a list of all your stand-alone pages, you can edit these or if you want to create a new page click on Create new stand-alone collection.




Start by naming you page so you easily can come back and edit it later. If you have several markets you can use the filter settings to create a page to a specific. If left on filter the page will be applicable on all sites. Under Title you are able to give stand-alone page a name which also will generate a page url with the same name.





Depending on your initial setup you may use different tags. For example the "Menu" tag is used to create a menu attached to the page. Often to the left of the page and the more pages with the same tag generates and bundles them together nicely. Simply type Menu in the Tags box.




An example of how a menu could look is pages piled on top of each other for an easy navigation.



Just as all content areas and pages you can schedule your page to be available on a specific time. Click on Schedule publish and shows between which dates and between which times you want you page to be published.



When you feel that all your content is as you want it to be you can either click on Save draft in order to be able to edit it a bit more before publishing the page online or if you want it to go live online right away click Save and Publish.